Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ah! A Good Nights Sleep

“How can you continue sleeping with so many mosquitoes around?” asked a friend in the morning.

My friend was staying with me in Chennai for a while. Last night had been a nightmare for him. Mosquitoes had raided our home and the mosquito repellant was as useful as a mobile phone in a no network area. Five mosquitoes swooping around your ear like jet fighters is not everyone’s idea of a good night’s sleep.

I realized that somehow I managed to sleep peacefully right through the mosquito attacks. This scenario repeated for quite a few days in the following month. The reasons for my friend’s lack of sleep changed, from ants to skin allergy to heat to mosquitoes again but I slept peacefully through all of it. I now realize that I am off to deep sleep almost as soon as I lie down, waking up only in the morning. Mosquitoes, ants, noise do not disturb me much.

I had taken this good night’s sleep for granted until now. Only when I saw my friend struggling to sleep on a number of occasions for various reasons, did I realize that God has indeed given me a great present; the ability to sleep peacefully as and when I desired. I am thankful indeed now for this gift. Rest in Sleep!

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