Monday, June 21, 2010

Original Complicated Promotional Idea

Free hair conditioner with shampoo offer. But with twist. All hair conditioner bottles will have brand name 'etched' on the bottle. Only few bottles will have brand name printed. Those who get the printed version will win an AC. Because the hair conditioner is without the 'etch'.

Original HR Motivational Idea

Those who work till late in night for more than 50% of the days will be offered NIGHTHOOD by the company. Their names will be preceded by OWL or BAT in the visiting card.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Original Joke

When one is confident in a presentation, ask for the projector screen to be removed. So that the writing is on the wall.

Original Joke

Q) Why do ducks find it difficult to cure themselves of diseases?

A) Because they think that quacks are qualified duck doctors.

Original Joke

A cricketer decided to switch over to athletics. During a major 400 metre event, the cricketer got injured and asked for a 'runner'.

Original Joke

Cricket selectors should hire magicians as bowling coaches. They will teach bowlers how to do hat tricks.

Original Joke

In women's cricket, all overs are maiden overs.

Original Joke

Parliament is the only forum where 'motions' can be passed in public and its considered normal.

Original Joke

Interviewee: I am self driven individual.

Interviewer: How did you come to this office?

Interviewee: Taxi.

Original Joke

Q) What do you call a poor little auto rickshaw driver?

A) Rickie Rick

Original Observation

A sleeveless T shirt should be called an I shirt as there is no 'T'.

Original Joke

All umpires and referees should apply fairness cream and come for officiating matches.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Original Joke

Since a player can use both feet while playing football, the game can be renamed feetball.

Original Thriller Movie

A hair raising story of a hare going up an elevator. Sequel movie will show hair growth in super slow motion for 2 hours.

Original Observation

If 'hide and seek' was an Olympic sport will WADA have a 'whereabouts' clause from them also?

Original Joke

Q) Which types of questions are asked in entrance exam for fashion courses?